Entity Linking and Retrieval for Semantic Search (WSDM 2014)

This morning, we presented the last edition of our tutorial series on Entity Linking and Retrieval, entitled “Entity Linking and Retrieval for Semantic Search” (with Krisztian Balog and Daan Odijk) at WSDM 2014! This final edition of the series builds upon our earlier tutorials at WWW 2013 and SIGIR 2013. The focus of this…

Hadoop code for TREC KBA

I’ve decided to put some of the Hadoop code I developed for the TREC KBA task online. It’s available on Github: https://github.com/ejmeij/trec-kba. In particular, it provides classes to read/write topic files, read/write run files, and expose the documents in the Thrift files as Hadoop-readable objects (‘ThriftFileInputFormat’) to be used as input to mappers. I obviously also…