
an archive of posts in this category

Jul 23, 2023 Dense Retrieval Adaptation using Target Domain Description (ICTIR 2023)
Mar 08, 2023 ECIR 23 Tutorial: Neuro-Symbolic Approaches for Information Retrieval
Dec 08, 2022 Entity Retrieval from Multilingual Knowledge Graphs (MRL 2022)
Apr 09, 2022 Similarity-based Multi-Domain Dialogue State Tracking with Copy Mechanisms for Task-based Virtual Personal Assistants (WWW 2022)
Apr 05, 2022 Understanding Financial Information Seeking Behavior from User Interactions with Company Filings (WWW companion 2022)
Jan 02, 2022 Recent papers
Nov 08, 2021 Improving Dialogue State Tracking with Turn-based Loss Function and Sequential Data Augmentation (EMNLP 2021)
Jul 11, 2021 News Article Retrieval in Context for Event-centric Narrative Creation
Mar 01, 2021 Contextualizing Trending Entities in News Stories
Dec 08, 2020 Report on the first workshop on bias in automatic knowledge graph construction at AKBC 2020
Nov 18, 2020 Uncertainty over Uncertainty: Investigating the Assumptions, Annotations, and Text Measurements of Economic Policy Uncertainty
Nov 16, 2020 Evaluating the Calibration of Knowledge Graph Embeddings for Trustworthy Link Prediction
Oct 15, 2020 Knowledge Graphs: An Information Retrieval Perspective
Jul 01, 2020 CrossBERT: A Triplet Neural Architecture for Ranking Entity Properties
Jun 18, 2020 Proceedings of the KG-BIAS Workshop 2020 at AKBC 2020
Apr 20, 2020 Novel Entity Discovery from Web Tables
Apr 14, 2020 Identifying Notable News Stories
Apr 02, 2020 Improving the Utility of Knowledge Graph Embeddings with Calibration
Mar 12, 2019 Special issue on knowledge graphs and semantics in text analysis and retrieval
Aug 28, 2018 Related Entity Finding on Highly-heterogeneous Knowledge Graphs
Jul 09, 2018 Weakly-supervised Contextualization of Knowledge Graph Facts
Jul 08, 2018 The Second Workshop on Knowledge Graphs and Semantics for Text Retrieval, Analysis, and Understanding (KG4IR)
Jul 08, 2018 Utilizing Knowledge Graphs for Text-Centric Information Retrieval
Feb 26, 2018 Overview of The First Workshop on Knowledge Graphs and Semantics for Text Retrieval and Analysis (KG4IR)
Jul 26, 2017 The First Workshop on Knowledge Graphs and Semantics for Text Retrieval and Analysis (KG4IR)
Jan 10, 2017 Generating descriptions of entity relationships
Jan 09, 2017 Utilizing Knowledge Bases in Text-centric Information Retrieval (WSDM 2017)
Oct 24, 2016 Document Filtering for Long-tail Entities
Sep 12, 2016 Utilizing Knowledge Bases in Text-centric Information Retrieval (ICTIR 2016)
Jan 07, 2016 Dynamic Collective Entity Representations for Entity Ranking
Aug 06, 2015 Mining, ranking and recommending entity aspects
Aug 06, 2015 Dynamic query modeling for related content finding
Jul 23, 2015 Learning to Explain Entity Relationships in Knowledge Graphs
Jan 20, 2015 Fast and Space-Efficient Entity Linking in Queries
Aug 24, 2014 Time-Aware Rank Aggregation for Microblog Search
Feb 01, 2014 Using Temporal Bursts for Query Modeling
Jul 22, 2013 Time-Aware Chi-squared for Document Filtering over Time
Jun 24, 2013 Do support groups members disclose less to their partners? the dynamics of HIV disclosure in four African countries
May 15, 2013 Multilingual Semantic Linking for Video Streams: Making 'Ideas Worth Sharing' More Accessible
Apr 04, 2013 Personalized Time-Aware Tweets Summarization
Feb 21, 2013 Local and global algorithms for entity linking
Feb 18, 2013 Feeding the Second Screen: Semantic Linking based on Subtitles
Feb 11, 2013 Een bril die alles weet
Feb 08, 2013 Personalized Time-Aware Tweets Summarization
Nov 09, 2012 The University of Amsterdam at TREC 2012
Sep 20, 2012 Overview of RepLab 2012: Evaluating Online Reputation Management Systems
Sep 19, 2012 Generating Pseudo Test Collections for Learning to Rank Scientific Articles
Jul 03, 2012 OpenGeist: Insight in the Stream of Page Views on Wikipedia
May 03, 2012 Identifying Entity Aspects in Microblog Posts
Mar 29, 2012 A Corpus for Entity Profiling in Microblog Posts
Feb 12, 2012 Zoekmachines van de toekomst
Feb 08, 2012 Adding Semantics to Microblog Posts
Jan 25, 2012 The University of Amsterdam at the TREC 2011 Session Track
Jan 25, 2012 DutchHatTrick: Semantic query modeling, ConText, section detection, and match score maximization.
Jan 25, 2012 Team COMMIT at TREC 2011
Nov 23, 2011 A Framework for Unsupervised Spam Detection in Social Networking Sites
Nov 23, 2011 Adaptive Temporal Query Modeling
Sep 01, 2011 Wij-woorden op websites: Zoekmachines voor geesteswetenschappers
Jul 22, 2011 Women's views on consent, counseling and confidentiality in Pmtct: a mixed-methods study in four African countries
Jul 20, 2011 People searching for people: analysis of a people search engine log
Jun 20, 2011 Online Religious Studies
Jun 20, 2011 Classifying Queries Submitted to a Vertical Search Engine
May 20, 2011 Dir 2011: the eleventh Dutch-Belgian information retrieval workshop
Apr 02, 2011 Mapping queries to the Linking Open Data cloud: A case study using DBpedia
Mar 20, 2011 Result diversification based on query-specific cluster ranking
Jan 20, 2011 The University of Amsterdam at Trec 2010: Session, Entity, and Relevance Feedback
Jan 20, 2011 Dir 2011 - Dutch-Belgian Information Retrieval Workshop
Jan 01, 2011 Statistical Language Models for Information Access: A Practical Guide
Dec 10, 2010 Combining Concepts and Language Models for Information Access
Dec 01, 2010 Archieven Linken met Semantische Zoekmachines
Jul 14, 2010 Supervised query modeling using Wikipedia
Jul 02, 2010 Conceptual language models for domain-specific retrieval
Apr 20, 2010 Entity Search: Building Bridges between Two Worlds
Apr 20, 2010 Enabling Data Transport between Web Services
Jan 20, 2010 Topical Diversity and Relevance Feedback
Jan 20, 2010 Heuristic Ranking and Diversification of Web Documents
Nov 19, 2009 A Comparative Study of Features for Keyphrase Extraction
Nov 19, 2009 A query model based on normalized log-likelihood
Oct 25, 2009 Learning Semantic Query Suggestions
Oct 25, 2009 Investigating the Semantic Gap through Query Log Analysis
Oct 20, 2009 Structuring and extracting knowledge for the support of hypothesis generation in molecular biology
Sep 17, 2009 A Semantic Perspective on Query Log Analysis
Jul 16, 2009 An evaluation of entity and frequency based query completion methods
Apr 17, 2009 Investigating the Demand Side of Semantic Search through Query Log Analysis
Mar 16, 2009 Semantic disclosure in an e-Science environment
Feb 16, 2009 A Generative Language Modeling Approach for Ranking Entities
Feb 16, 2009 Concept models for domain-specific search
Jan 16, 2009 Incorporating Non-Relevance Information in the Estimation of Query Models
Jan 16, 2009 De Aida toolbox: Een gecombineerde aanpak voor het beheren van kennis
Nov 16, 2008 The University of Amsterdam at Trec 2008
Oct 16, 2008 The University of Amsterdam (Ilps) at Inex 2008
Sep 16, 2008 The University of Amsterdam at the CLEF 2008 Domain Specific Track - Parsimonious Relevance and Concept Models
Jul 16, 2008 Parsimonious Relevance Models
Jul 16, 2008 Parsimonious concept modeling
Jul 16, 2008 Measuring Concept Relatedness Using Language Models
Jul 16, 2008 Towards a combined model for search and navigation of annotated documents
Mar 16, 2008 Biological applications of Aida knowledge management components
Feb 16, 2008 Enabling Data Transport between Web Services through alternative protocols and Streaming
Jan 16, 2008 Bootstrapping Language Associated with Biomedical Entities
Oct 13, 2007 Integrating Conceptual Knowledge into Relevance Models: A Model and Estimation Method
Sep 13, 2007 Thesaurus-Based Feedback to Support Mixed Search and Browsing Environments
May 13, 2007 Using Prior Information Derived from Citations in Literature Search
Apr 13, 2007 My first BioAID: heuristic support for hypothesis construction from literature
Jan 12, 2007 Language Models for Enterprise Search: Query Expansion and Combination of Evidence
Jan 12, 2007 Expanding Queries Using Multiple Resources
Jul 01, 2006 Deploying Lucene on the Grid
Jan 12, 2006 Combining Thesauri-based Methods for Biomedical Retrieval
Sep 01, 2005 Van Case-Based Reasoning tot Information Retrieval; Case retrieval voor de helpdesk van een webhosting bedrijf