Microblogs have become an invaluable source of information for the purpose of online reputation management. An emerging problem in the field of online reputation management consists of identifying the key aspects of an entity commented in microblog posts. Streams of microblogs are of great value because of their direct and real-time nature and synthesizing them in form of entity profiles facilitates reputation managers to keep a track of the public image of the entity. Determining such aspects can be non-trivial because of creative language usage, the highly contextualized and informal nature of microblog posts, and the limited length of this form of communication.

In this paper we present two manually annotated corpora to evaluate the task of identifying aspects on Twitter, both of them based upon the WePS-3 ORM task dataset and made available online. The first is created using a pooling methodology, for which we have implemented various methods for automatically extracting aspects from tweets that are relevant for an entity. Human assessors have labeled each of the candidates as being relevant. The second corpus is more fine-grained and contains opinion targets. Here, annotators consider individual tweets related to an entity and manually identify whether the tweet is opinionated and, if so, which part of the tweet is subjective and what the target of the sentiment is, if any.

You can find more information on this test collection at http://nlp.uned.es/~damiano/datasets/entityProfiling_ORM_Twitter.html.

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