Edgar J. Meij

Invited Talks (selected)


Membership of editorial boards

Program Committee member / Reviewer


  • IEEE Access
  • Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology
  • Transactions on Information Systems
  • Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
  • Knowledge and Information Systems
  • Information Sciences
  • Information Systems
  • Information Retrieval
  • Information Processing and Management
  • Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
  • Computers in Biology and Medicine
  • Journal of Computer Science and Technology
  • Journal of Web Semantics

Conferences and workshops

  • CIKM 2011-2024 (SPC)
  • SIGIR 2007-2024 (SPC)
  • WSDM 2013-2024 (SPC)
  • ECIR 2007-2025 (SPC)
  • FinWeb-2022 (Workshop on Financial Technology on the Web)
  • WWW 2014-2023 (SPC)
  • Wikidata 2020-2021 (ISWC Workshop)
  • DESIRES 2018-2021
  • NewsIR 2018-2019
  • DSMM 2018-2019
  • ASONAM 2015-2019
  • BigData 2013–2019
  • ESWC 2018
  • IJCNLP 2017
  • ESAIR 2015-2016
  • IJCAI 2016
  • ProActIR 2016
  • ACL-IJCNLP 2015
  • KDDA 2015
  • EMNLP 2014
  • IRFC 2013-2014
  • COLING 2014
  • ACL 2013-2014
  • Hadoop summit 2014
  • EACL 2012-2014
  • IJCNLP 2013
  • RAMSS 2012-2013 (WWW workshop)
  • SNOW 2013 (WWW workshop)
  • DISH-2013 (WWW workshop)
  • WoLE 2012-2013 (WWW workshop)
  • JIWES 2012 (SIGIR workshop)
  • WebSci 2012
  • CLEF 2011
  • SPIRE 2009
  • HT 2008
  • LREC 2008
  • SemSearch 2008
  • ISWC 2007
  • EMNLP 2007
  • WIDM 2006
  • ESSLLI 2006