Research on Twitter

Adding Semantics to Microblog Posts

Microblogs have become an important source of information for marketing, intelligence, and reputation management purposes. Streams of microblogs are of great value because of their direct and real-time nature. Determining what an individual microblog post is about, however, can be non-trivial because of creative language usage, the highly contextualized and…
ELRA logo

LREC 2012 Workshop on Language Engineering for Online Reputation Management

I am co-organizing an LREC workshop on Language Engineering for Online Reputation Management. The LREC 2012 workshop on Language Engineering for Online Reputation Management intends to bring together the Language Engineering community (including researchers and developers) with representatives from the Online Reputation Management industry, a fast-growing sector which poses challenging…
P30 difference plot

Team COMMIT at TREC 2011

We describe the participation of Team COMMIT in this year’s Microblog and Entity track. In our participation in the Microblog track, we used a feature-based approach. Specifically, we pursued a precision oriented recency-aware retrieval approach for tweets. Amongst others we used various types of external data. In particular, we examined…
Twitter standing

A comparison of five semantic linking algorithms on tweets

Late last December, Yahoo! released a new version of their Content Analysis service and they announced that the initial version will be deprecated in 2012. Inspired by a recent post by Tony Hirst, entitled A Quick Peek at Three Content Analysis Services, this seemed like a perfect opportunity to test…
Research on Twitter

Dataset for “Adding Semantics to Microblog Posts”

As promised, I’m releasing the dataset used for my WSDM paper, Adding Semantics to Microblog Posts (with Wouter Weerkamp and Maarten de Rijke). In the paper, we evaluate various methods for automatically identifying concepts (in the form of Wikipedia articles) that are contained in or meant by a tweet. This…